
Radical Devotion Mantra konsert - Gjøvik

Frøken Mandag, Sommerfeldtsgate 3, 2815 Gjøvik

Velkommen til denne begivenhetsrike dagen. Vi er så heldige å få besøk av Guru Dharam og Radical Devotion.

Dagen blir lagt opp omtrent slik:

09:30 - 16:30 Guru Dharam - Rebirth 16:30 - 17:15 Pause med mulighet for å kjøpe middag 17:15 - Konsert med Radical Devotion

Dette sier Guru Dharam selv om dagens tema:

Rebirth into Vitality and Light.

Yoga is a science and art of refining human consciousness to the point of infinity - and then keeping it there. Our issues, stuff, garbage and all ego driven attachments create an anchor which keeps us earth bound and so ‘locked out’ of the higher levels of awakening. This workshop enables you to shift and transform such internal darkness and doubt into the sparkling Light of Dharmic Consciousness. All are welcome.

RADICAL DEVOTION - MEDITATIVE MUSIC Since 2008, Radical Devotions music has conveyed the message of our inherent essence. An open meeting with oneself in the heart of truth. A space where human earthly life can meet subtle dimensions. In order to soothe the stress of modern life, contribute to healing and support the path of expansion of consciousness and growth. This is communicated through mantras, songs and sound healing. Radical Devotion has its unique sound and a strong energy field occurs during the concerts. Many have stated that they have been deeply affected by the music.


Guru Dharam 1200,- Middag - indisk vegansk gryte m/ ris og naan 200,- Radical Devotion 300,-

Full pakke 1700,- eller velg det du ønsker å være med på. Inkl. i prisen er servering av te og snacks gjennom dagen.

Fyll ut skjema for påmelding.

Hjertelig velkommen til denne opplevelsen hos oss. Hilsen Kristina & Mads